South Springs and Meridian Traffic

The fastest growing newly developing community in Bellingham is South Springs, a new neighborhood currently being created in the Cordata Neighborhood. Featured listings of homes in South Springs can be found here.  This neighborhood is being advertised as affordable, convenient, and comfortable.

Realtors predict that South Springs may create more traffic through the Meridian Neighborhood, as most people must travel southwards to commute to work and school. See more information about developing neighborhoods and their potential effect on the Meridian Neighborhood here.

The Bellis Fair Mall area in Meridian is considered one of the worst traffic areas in Bellingham by popular opinion.

One of the reasons why it is so crowded in this area, as well as other places in Meridian, is due to the fact that this neighborhood as a whole is primarily composed of commercial zones.  Not only do Bellingham natives do their shopping in this neighborhood; Canadians travel across the border to do their shopping as well. With the combination of Bellingham residents and Canadians shopping in the various commercial zones, there is a surplus of traffic in the neighborhood.

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