Ekklesia Community Groups

Ekklesia, the young adult ministry of Christ the King Community Church, loves to reach out to individuals who are exploring religion, and people that are established in religion. As stated on their website, “there are no perfect people allowed.” And as Pastor Garret Shelsta says, there is not standard you have to be to “fit in” with the church.

A huge component of Ekklesia is their community groups.

“We have seventeen groups that meet up to have conversations about their faith experiences, talk about Jesus in their lives, God’s calling, as well as encouraging some sort of activity in the community,” Shelsta said.

These community groups are the core of one of Ekklesia’s main goals; having people experience their religion every day in a meaningful way, and not just once a week at church. It is also a way for people to meet one another.

“We gather as a large community once a week, and scatter into community groups in order to implement the things we learn,” Shelsta said.

Christ the King Community Church has created Community Life, where groups of various sizes meet throughout the week for discussions and outreach efforts. While Ekklesia targets young adults (adults ranging from 18 to 28 years of age), CTK encourages adults of all stages of life to join a Community Life group. The groups are formed by interest, family-type/life status, and location (neighborhood). Anyone can start their own group as well.

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